the learning system that
thinks like a student…

At Yukon Beauty Schools we use Pivot Point because we believe it’s our responsibility to evolve hair and beauty education as well as challenging the status quo. For over 30 years, it has been our continual commitment to creating rich educational experiences and utilizing best-in-class Pivot Point educational content. This has enabled us to foster countless individuals in Canandian County and across the state, as they realize sustainable careers within the beauty industry.

Why choose Pivot Point?

As a Pivot Point legacy school, we are able to provide a unique set of benefits to our graduates. The Pivot Point International curriculum is designed to provide a solid foundation for high-end salons and spa settings. Not every school has access to the Pivot Point experience, as three are only so many Pivot Point Partners.

We know what drives beauty professionals to succeed – what they see as relevant to further their careers; we provide education, tools necessary to thrive in the industry and impart a sense of community where our students thrive.

Our mission is to empower students with a state of the art education which allows us to do so, with offerings such as LAB (Learn About Beauty), Salonability®, a Designers Approach®, Salon Fundamentals®, Fundamentals®, and Mindful Teaching™ from Pivot Point.

All these offerings cater to our educators and students at all stages in their careers, thus providing solutions that enhance everyday experiences and combine consistent challenges within the industry.


Yukon Beauty College prepared me for my dream job as an esthetician in a Doctors office.  


My experience was great with awesome teachers.

Kyra S.
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